Regular fasting is the most important
component of the Anti-Aging Plan.
Fasting and Caloric Restriction
will prevent the development of
age-related diseases (scientific evidence)
and extend your lifespan dramatically –
by up to 30-35 years (scientific evidence).
Our main objective was to develop highly efficient, but simple method of treatment and prevention of the majority of age related diseases. This method is based on theoretical and practical research in gerontology and related sciences, data that has been accumulated over the past 80 years. We name this anit-aging method “Anti-Aging Cyclic Fasting” (CF method). The creator of the method and scientific director of the Anti-Aging Center Europe is Dr. Arcady Economo, Pharm.D. You may read in detail the latest version of this method here and the full story of the development of this method here.
Follow the CF method and see changes as dramatic as these:
— Significantly reduce the effects of aging
— Unparalleled youthful preservation of mental and physical functions as well as appearance
— Substantially reduce the risks of all age related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, osteoporosis, neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s and many others.
We have utilised the CF method with hundreds of patients in Hungary, Croatia and Russia. The vast majority of our clients health dramatically improved after using our treatments.
The core idea of the CF method is practicing water fasting (for 1-2 weeks) several times a year (cyclic fasting and nutrition). Fasting and caloric restriction programs are conducted by an anti-aging team including licensed medical practitioner and anti-aging experts.
Our company, Anti-Aging Center, has a main office in Budapest, Hungary and engages in theoretical and practical gerontology, as well as develops and implements programs to inhibit the aging processes. Our contributors and partners are: gerontologists, doctors, nutritionists, psychologists, and pharmacologists. CF program includes the appointment of individually-adjusted nutritional programs (with daily calorie intake variable from zero ( water fasting) to very low calorie dieting (VLCD) or low calorie dieting (LCD) . CF method is supplemented by other important anti-aging act
ivities as regular physical exercises and taking anit-aging drugs (during re-feeding period).
Using this anti-aging cyclic fasting method daily throughout the whole life may not only significantly slow down the aging processes and prolong a healthy life span but also has a powerful curative and rejuvenating effect, (i.e. it may stop aging, and even turn it back). Implementing CF method will increase the average span of your life in the following fashion: if you start implementing
the method at the age of 20 or 25 years your lifespan will increase by 35-40 years.
If you start at the age of 30 or 35 years your lifespan will increase by 30-35 years.
If you start at the age of 40 or 45 years your lifespan will increase by 25-30 years.
If you start at the age of 50 or 55 years your lifespan will increase by 20-25 years.
If you start at the age of 60 or 65 years your lifespan will increase by 15-20 years.
If you start at the age of 70 or 75 years your lifespan will increase by 10-15 years.
The Cyclic Fasting method was presented in 2007 by Dr. Arcady Economo in London, UK in the annual “Anti-Aging Conference” in the Royal Society of Medicine of London, where he received wide recognition among gerontologists.
As the Internet
appeared and has been spreading throughout the world, people ready and able to work on-line from any place of the world as long as they have a laptop in their hands. So, our clients may stay on our anti-aging programs without break for holidays. We have taken into account this new lifestyle and it is one of the distinctive characteristics of our method – mobility and geographical flexibility. Our “Anti-Aging Cyclic Fasting” programs not planted forever in one place. We not a brick and mortar clinic or hotel as other retreats are. Now, our guests not obliged to stick to one geographic location or stay in an expensive hospital, clinic, holiday hotel or retreat and spend all their time in one place. We do not need a clinic with a lot of personnel and expensive equipment. We encourage relatively healthy people, often middle aged or young people who want to change their unhealthy lifestyle to join, get cleaned of contaminants in their body and start a new life without diseases and untimely aging. Clients who apply our method do not spend 24 hours in a confined facility, but they live freely as average tourists – in hotels or apartments depending on their desires or financial abilities.
At present we provide anti-aging programs in Hungary (Budapest) and Croatia (Opatija and Makarska) shortly due to start similar programs in Cyprus and France.
Fasting (intermittent fasting and smart nutrition) is the most efficient component of the Anti-Aging Plan. It may extend your lifespan dramatically – by up to 40 years if you start implementing the method early in your life.